» FAQs

Q: How do I contact Box Six?

You can contact Box Six with general questions at anytime by emailing contact@box-six.com. For show inquiries, you can email our Operations Manager directly at rochelle@box-six.com. For specific music related questions you can also contact John Mapes directly at mapes@box-six.com or Ian Grom at grom@box-six.com.

Q: Where can I view your Terms of Service?

You can view our Terms of Service here. If you have any questions or concerns with these, you can contact Box Six at anytime by emailing contact@box-six.com.

Q: What if I do not receive a response from my inquiry?

We always respond to inquiries within 48 hours. If you do not receive a reply, our email was likely filtered into the spam folder (especially if your contact is a school email address). You can add the email address "rochelle@box-six.com" to your contacts to avoid the spam folder or you can contact us at our alternate email address: boxsixmusic@gmail.com

Q: What are your payment options?

Payments can be made by check, money order, PayPal or Purchase Order. Payment (or guaranteed payment in the case of a PO) must be received before we can give you access to music. Please note that if you choose the PayPal option, there is a 3% surcharge added to your total show cost that is charged by Paypal. Though it incurs extra cost, the PayPal option is great if you need your show in a hurry. We do understand that budgeting can be difficult for schools so we allow flexibility through payment plans. If necessary, we can work with each school individually to make arrangements to pay in installments.

Q: What is regional exclusivity?

Box Six bases our Regional Exclusivity on the circuits that each group competes in. We rely on information from our customers to report every circuit they plan to attend including: local shows not sanctioned by a circuit (i.e. "Indiana State Fair Marching Band Contest"), local circuits (i.e. Southern California Percussion Alliance) and national circuits (i.e. WGI Finals or WGI Spartanburg regional). We will not sell the same show twice in the same local circuit or local show. For National circuits like WGI or BOA, we will not sell the same show twice for specific regional or championship locations. It is very important that every customer report accurate circuit info to guarantee regional exclusivity for all groups. Box Six does not take any financial responsibility for groups who perform shows outside of the regional information they provide to us at the time of purchase. Any break in this exclusivity due to change in plans for that given school without written consent from Box Six is the sole responsibility of the offending school or organization.

Q: Is drill included?

No. None of our shows come with drill, but they do come with a detailed count sheet with information to help guide the shows visually. Every group is a different size and has different skill sets. There would be no way to offer quality visual packages for the masses with a one size fits all mentality. This site is set-up for the group that is looking to get to the next level, not including drill reflects that philosophy. We do however have a list of drill writers we highly recommend on our services page.

Q: Can I get an original custom show?

We do offer a limited number of custom shows for Marching band shows. Please see the "Co-Commission" FAQ. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we are not in the position at this time to take on any extra custom indoor percussion shows.

Q: Can adjustments be made to your shows?

Yes, an additional fee will apply depending on the amount of changes. You are also welcome to make adjustments on your own to fit the needs of your group.

Q: Can I mix and match movements of your different shows to create my own show?

No. The shows are designed with a flow in mind, and to mix and match would completely disrupt the original intent. Also, since we guarantee regional exclusivity to all of our customers, a show made up of two or three different movements would mean that each of those respective shows would be eliminated from that region.

Q: Can I mix and match levels/parts for the same show?

Yes! If you pay for the higher level show, we can give you the additional lower level parts free of charge. For example, if you purchase the Open class version of a show, but are concerned about the difficulty for your front ensemble, we can give you both the Open and the A class parts for the pit. This way you can pick and choose where to challenge your group.

Q: What if we don’t have the exact instrumentation that Box Six sells for a particular show?

You can have us customize it for a fee depending on how much work is needed, or you can make adjustments on your own. For example, if you don't have a drum set player you can easily adapt the part to an upright hi-hat/snare set up for an auxiliary player. If you don't have 3 marimbas or 3 vibes it is not a cause for concern. The extra mallet parts help fill out the sound but can be easily adapted to fit most keyboard sections. Feel free to contact us if there are any concerns about instrumentation.

Q: What is the time period I have to perform a show once purchased?

The shows are to be used for one competitive season. If a group wants to use the work beyond that, additional permission will be required.

Q: Does Box Six offer refunds?

We are unable to offer refunds on our shows. Because our sales come with regional exclusivity, we have reserved the show for a customer in their area and have often turned away other groups who have inquired about the same show in the same region. And once students/staff have had access to the music, there is no way to "return the product."

**However, in response to the uncertainty of COVID-19, we have created a new Peace of Mind Policy with options for future re-use.  Please inquire or email rochelle@box-six.com for further details.  

Q: Can I get your Notation files to make my own changes and modifications to a show?

Yes!  Box Six now offers notation files (in Sibelius of xml file format) for an additional fee so that can groups can make edits to the music to best suit their group.  Please inquire about this option for further details.

Q: Why are “Box Six” shows more expensive than average shows available on the web?

As you can tell from the recordings, a lot of time and energy has gone into creating these productions. Many of these shows have been finalists or medalists at either the local or national level. As designers, we don't just have experience in every class, but success in every class and are currently active in the activity on many levels. In short…you get what you pay for.

Q: What is a sampler?

A sampler is an electronic component that stores small bits of audio that can be triggered at the push of a button. They are a great way to add sound effects to your show or to have clear narration every time without worrying about a student narrator. They are in the range of $300-$400 for a suitable option. The most commonly used sampler is the Roland SP-303, SP-404 and they keep upgrading from there.

Q: Can I get a perusal score for a percussion show?

No, we do not perusal scores for our percussion shows in an effort to protect the music. You can listen to full recordings of each show and see the full list of instrumentation on the details page on our website. Please email us if you have other specific questions regarding difficulty/music.

Indoor Percussion
Q: How do you know what division you should be in?

A class is for the beginning ensembles, Open class is for the Intermediate ensembles and World Class is for the advanced ensembles. Our shows are all geared towards the national standard. Obviously the level at WGI nationals is higher than some of the smaller local circuits, so many of these shows could work in different divisions depending on your region. For example a Box Six A class show might pass for a low level Open class show in a smaller region. If you are unsure of a particular show, feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help out.

Q: Why are some shows less than others within the same division?

Starting in the 2015 season we decided to offer any shows that are more than 5 years old at a discounted rate of $200 less than their equivalent shows. These shows are still great, but this is a way for us to offer some more options to at different price points. The plan is to lower the prices each year for the next round of shows. For example in 2017 we offered all shows before 2012 at the new discount. For the 2018 season we will offer all shows before 2013 and so on.

Q: Can any show be adjusted to any level?

The general rule of thumb is most shows can go down a level but can't go up. The amount of time it takes to make parts harder is just not an option for us.

Q: Can I get new music to compete at WGI Finals?

Each year, Box Six does offer a few new indoor shows converted from marching band into percussion shows and these are a great option if you plan to WGI Finals. The cost of these new shows to attend WGI Finals is $2000 and spots fill up quickly, so contact as early if you are interested!

Q: What is WGI?

Winter Guard International is the national circuit for Drum Line and Color Guard competitions. They hold regionals all over the country and a World Championship every April. For more information, see www.wgi.org

Q: What is SCPA?

SCPA stands for the Southern California Percussion Alliance. SCPA runs under WGI rules and uses many WGI judges. SCPA is the largest independent circuit in the country. For more information, see www.sc-pa.org

Marching Band
Q: What is the breakdown of levels of difficulty?

We use a grade system of 2-5. The more challenging parts are more often in the 1st parts. Please keep in mind that these works were originally commissioned for groups looking for the next level of difficulty and depth than what is currently offered in the stock charts:

  • Medium Easy 2-3
  • Medium 3-4
  • Medium Difficult 4-5
  • Difficult 5

Q: Can I buy the wind parts separate from the percussion parts?

No, we only sell wind and percussion parts as a package. The success of these shows depends on the total integration of winds and percussion, especially given our strong percussion background. We cannot offer the wind parts separately and still give it the Box Six seal of approval.

Q: Can I get a wind sample (perusal) score for a particular show?

Yes. Wind Perusal scores are available in PDF format. The scores will show odd pages only to help protect the work. This should be enough for a director to check voicings, ranges and difficulty levels.

Q: What is a Co-Commission?

In the fall we offer a Co-commission option on our new marching band shows. This is a way for a band to purchase a brand new show that has never been performed before and share the costs to have the show written. As with all of our shows, Co-Commissions come with Regional exclusivity. The main difference is that we have a limit on how many groups we sell these to, a maximum of three to four ensembles. Contact us for more price and time-line information.