The Gambler

» Indoor: Open Class
Price: $1,100 Duration: 5:25
Difficulty: Mid to High Open Class
Inquire / Purchase

Audio Files

Mvt 1 - Ensemble

Mvt 2 - Ensemble

Mvt 3 - Ensemble


    A deck of cards, a game of chance... The Gambler explores the four different suits both visually and musically through a contemporary lens. Each interpretation of the suit image: clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds, is influenced by the style of the music within each movement.

    Clubs – is represented by the use of Earthy, tribal rhythms, and large pounding drums. The visual imagery of large mallets hitting membrane instruments is an explored motif. Spades – uses metal sounds, sharp/angular movement, long spears, and is very combative. This is a high-energy movement culminating in a percussion feature that ends with a massive battle sequence portrayed with the wind players holding a long spear prop (spade) in their hands. Hearts – is a poignant and moving ballad for the ensemble with possible couples pairing up visually here to represent the heart idea. Diamonds – This short segment culminates in a climax of visual/music “fireworks” as we bring the house down! Maybe everyone in the ensemble has a highly reflective square on their uniform that remains covered until the closer, and/or implementing extra props creating literal diamonds across the floor.

    This show was originally commissioned for the fall of 2014 and was released for the 2015 season as a custom version adapted for indoor percussion.

   *Perusal score available upon request


  • Snare
  • Tenor
  • 4 & 5 Bass Drums
  • Cymbals
  • 3 Marimbas
  • Xylophone/Crotales
  • Bells
  • 3 Vibes
  • 2 Synthesizers
  • Drum Set
  • 2 Aux. Percussion

Multiple Versions:

  • Not sure which version fits you best?
  • Reserve both for no additional cost!
  • You can get the A class version free of charge when purchasing the Open class show, just request when confirming the show.

What You Get:

 PDF files for all movements including Full Scores, Battery Scores and all Individual Parts

  MP3 recordings for the Full Ensemble, Click Tracks and Battery Percussion only

  Samples/Sound Effects in individual wav files

  Count Sheets for each Movement in Excel file format

  Personal Login Page with a username and password to access all your unit's show files

  Notation files can be provided for an additional fee. Inquire for more information

  NEW! MainStage files can be available for an additional fee. Inquire for more information

Stay other logo copy min  NEW! Complimentary uniform and set design consultation from Stay Other

Original Performance Video for Reference: